
Ok so this page is basically about the channel I go in and run er whatever you wanna call it. It's a really cool channel and there are tons of great people in there. Below I'll have a list of all the ops and some kinda profiles, based on what I know, and you can see their pictures by clicking their nick also. Anyways, thats all I can think of... sooo Enjoy!

Snuggley is a 19 year old female from West Virginia (it's meee). I don't really know what to say about myself.. uhm if you really wanna know anything, just click "go home" at the bottom of this and read my site info.

motoXXX is an 18 year old male from California. He's like really into dirtbikes n stuff like that, as you probably guessed from his nick. He's way sweet and adorable. We used to go out for a really long time.. but yeah not now. Anyways, he's really cool to talk to.. just don't make him mad cuz yes.. he does have a temper.

tEnNi is an 18 year old female from Ohio. She loves to play tennis and I am guessing she is really good. She also loves to party and go to clubs n stuff like that. We have had some really awesome times together and she's like one of my best friends.

fuqet is a 17 year old (I think) female from Ohio. She is into dolphins.. I know that and like she draws tattoos n stuff too. She loves to play pool and talks about it 24/7. She hates her roomie and wants to move to CT. She's also a bitch if you make her mad so be nice.

f[][]l is an 18 year old male from Pennsylvania. He's really cool to talk to and he seems horny a lot too. So any horny girls should come his way. But yah.. he is a really funny guy and occasionally sweet too.

KaTe` is a 17 year old female from Washington. She is obssessed with 'NSync. She talks about them 24/7 and she says her room is covered, ceiling to floor in pictures of them. Other than her obsession with them, she is pretty normal I guess.

EvErCLeAr is a 20 year old male from Florida. He.. loves baseball and bores me by talking about it constantly. But it's ok, anyways.. he also loves watching wrestling and I think he thinks it's real.. but yah he is cool to talk to usually.

Kepi is a 19 year old female from Iowa. She is like reeeeally funny and from what I can tell, she's into getting drunk quite a bit. Oh yah she also plays the violin or something in the orchestra and she is pretty good I would guess.

eluCiD is a 20 year old male from Canada. He's into uhm working on cars I think cuz he talks about it a lot. He also likes to purr on the phone for any girls who would like to hear.

CiViCKiD is a 20 year old male from New York. He is into cars also. He's on some racing team I think and he loves racing his car and talking about his car and how nice it is and so on.

mistam3ff is an 18 year old male from Norway. He's really nice but oh my gosh does he have mood swings. He's still cool though. Just don't make him mad

trifLpNai is an 18 year old female from Florida. I know she plays the french horn.. that's about it. She's really cool to talk to and so on.. and way funny.

Malcj is a 19 year old male from New Zealand. He's into tennis and I am guessing good too. He's really religious and has quite a few opinions to share with people about his beliefs. But he is nice and sweet too.

|NooPi| is an 18 year old male from North Dakota. He's into the army n stuff cuz like he joined and goes to basic in the summer I do believe. But yah.. he's nice n stuff like that.

piss^ant is an 18 year old male from Ohio. His picture isn't here so don't even try clicking it. Anyways, he's cool to talk to n stuff. He's into drinking n partying as well. He can be a dick if you piss him off though, so like don't.

David^^ is a 19 year old male from Ohio. I have no idea what he's into, but he is a really nice guy. I couldn't find his picture so it isn't here.

buckyball is a 19 year old female from Texas. She is really funny and like her boyfriend gives kickass massages from what she tells me. Oh yah, her picture isn't here either so don't bother clicking her nick.

Lora20 is a 20 year old female from Florida. I don't know much about her really.. so yah.

Jason` is a 16 year old male from Massachusetts. Ok like I didn't know anything about him then he was like actually on and now he has a pic too.. wow, anyways so now his info is actually right.

`Angel is an 18 year old female from Massachusetts. She is obsessed with the death of her dog and she is way dramatic. But I guess she can be nice sometimes. Just don't joke around with her cuz she'll like cry, I swear.

Howells is a 15 year old male from Colorado. He's obsessed with sex, but he is really cool and nice n stuff. Just remember, he is always always always horny.

sweetie18 is an 18 year old female from Minnesota. She has really bad taste in guys, thats about all I know. But she is a really nice person. Oh her picture isn't here either.

KlobY is a 20 year old male from Iowa. He's really good at picking out clothes to wear.. and oh yes lets not forget.. he is Carrie's aka Kepi's man. They go to college together.. sucha cutie couple they are.

LordEdge is a 20 year old male from New Hampshire. He acts a bit conceited at times, but he is funny too I do believe and I dunno what he's into so uhm if you wanna know.. ask him.