*My Friends*

Ok.. these are pictures of my friends as you might have guessed.. hope ya like em!

Justin He's a totally hot and very sweet guy that I love to death. Even though we aren't going out anymore, he'll always be my first love. =)

Melanie She's a slut! But a really cool one that I love to death.. who would I whine to without her? =P~

Ray He's really nice n funny and like way smart too. Recently, he is a total ass but yeah whatever. I don't have the time nor the energy to deal with him anymore.

William He's a total cutie.. oh yah and he's madd smart too. He's also horrrrrny.. but his cuteness distracts you from it. =P~

Jessica She's really nice. We used to be like best friends but we've kinda like drifted apart. We'll always be close in some way though. =)

Kat She's really cool and she is WaYy dAShiT!! =)

Brian He's a really nice guy and really cool to talk to.

Jonathan He's a really nice n funny guy to talk to. =)

Craig He's really funny n sweet but he does have a temper. =)

Patrick He's a really nice guy but he gets mad very easily. =)

Carrie She's really nice funny and cool to talk to. =)

Kate She's a big dork!! j/k.. she cracks me up AND she finally found a pic I was allowed to use on here. =)

Natalie She's really nice, I just realized she isn't as big of a bitch as I thought. =)

Jeff He's a total sweetheart and cool to talk to. =)

Malcolm He's a really great guy and really sweet when he wants to be. He has also gotten to be horny a lot. Whats up with all these damn horny guys??

Josh He's really cool but I haven't seen him much lately. =)

Adam He's a really great guy that I used to talk to a lot but not much lately. =)

Matt He's really sweet but I haven't seen him forever and I miss him like crazy!

Jeff He's super smart and really nice. =)

Barry He's the first guy I ever talked to on IRC but I haven't seen him forever. He's also dead sexy. =P~

Adam He's a sweet guy that can't stand to be single. I think he's in the army now too.

Robby He's really cool and we used to talk all the time. I tease him now about wanting to have sex with him. =P~

Katie She's really nice but a bit too emotional.

Frode He is totally sweet but he has such mood swings. =)

Sherry She's really cool but hasn't been online for a while.

Chris He is a really cool guy to talk to. =)

David He's really great and always helps me with my problems. I haven't seen him in sooo long though.

Josh He's really sweet but we don't talk as much now (he's the one in the cool shades) =)

Margie She is my Internet Mommy and I could kick her ass at cartwheels anyday! =)

Bart (screwbal) say that i am a nice person (screwbal) i am tempermental at times (screwbal) but overall i am a friendly one to know ... *--guess everyone now knows what bart thinks of himself huh?--* =P~

Ian He's a total sweetie, way cute and verrry smart. He also loves tuna =P~

Nic He's really cool to talk to and very sweet. =)

Marshall He is a hottie guy who always gives me hugs cuz he's a sweetie. He's also my phone buddy.. we used to be on the phone constantly. Well until he "almost died" a few times. =P~

Kannan She is really cool to talk to n stuff.. oh and I LOVE YOU KANNAN! =)

Jason He's a really cool guy who loves singing Phantom of the Opera.. Oh and he has a kickass car too =)