*My Pictures*

Ok.. these are pictures of me and well whatever else I put on here.. enjoy! (the pictures at the bottom are the most recent)

One of my Senior pics

Another Senior pic

Yes another Senior pic

And finally my last Senior pic

Me and my Doggies

Me and my Brother (4 years ago)

Me in my groovy sunglasses

Me and Jessica

Me and Craig

Me, Jess, and Craig

Me and Jess again (aren't we just adorable?)

Me and Jess (we were a *bit* hyper)

Me, Jess, and Craig again

Louie and Ali (my cute doggies)

Me getting ready for graduation

Me posing for the cam

Me at the church service thing (yes I know I am short)

Me posing in my groovy cap

My Aunt, Me, My Mom, & My Grandma infront

My Mom, Me, My Aunt, & My Grandpa infront

This would be one of my best friends, Kiley (the blonde)

This is Janelle, one of my friends too

This is my cute cake with my pictures on it (wasn't I a cutie?)

These are the candles lit in memory of Scott

And finally, my graduating class

This is me right before bed

And this is me in my hottie uniform

Louie and Ali (My hottie dogs)

This is Me & Jessica freezing to death

Me & Jess again, posing by that *nice* sign

Me, Jessica, & Jason

Me, Jess, & Jason again

Me smiling pretty for the cam

Me and Chris (isn't he cute?)

Me and Casey before we went clubbin'

This is me.. in my hottie "Boys Cheat" tank

Me in the hotel room at the beach

This is me, my mom, and my cousin Kiya

This is me and Chris.. he's adorable =)