Now That You're Gone

It has been a year since you've been gone
Still the memory does live on
I can hear you laugh and see you smile
It's hard to believe all this time has gone by
I go through photos and remember your face
The weird expressions that you would make
You would walk through the halls and give me a wink
Now that you're gone I often sit and think
Why did this happen, why did you leave?
Was it an accident, or your destiny?
I wish I could see you or hear you once more
I know it sounds crazy, but I miss hearing you call me a whore
That's just how you were, you would joke and smile as you passed
No matter my mood, you could always make me laugh
These things meant a lot, even though they seem small
And I'll always miss passing you in the hall
I can honestly say, you were as perfect as they come
A friend to everyone, an enemy to none
I'll love you forever and I'll never forget
That smile you gave me on the first day we met